How can I track CPD points for my learners?

You can add CPD points to your courses or collections which will be awarded to your learners upon completion and tracked in the user reports.

CPD (Continuing Professional Development) is a requirement in many industries and organisations. CPD is often tracked by points that relate to the number of hours of learning completed.

To track CPD points in Intuto, you will need to:

  1. Add CPD points to your courses
  2. Add CPD points to your collections
  3. Access the CPD reporting data
  4. Manually add CPD data and evidence

Note: The CPD feature will need to be added to your Intuto site, please contact us at to start tracking the CPD of your learners.


Add CPD points to your courses

You can add CPD points to your courses from the Course Settings page.

To access the Course Settings page, go into the Course Editor of the course you want to add CPD points to and click Settings at the top of the page, or Next on the right hand side.

Access Course Settings

You will see a list of all available course settings with the CPD option part way down the page. To learn more about the other Course Settings available, click here.

CPD points

Tick the box to turn on the CPD feature for your course, you'll then see an additional line and box appear where you can enter how many points should be awarded upon completion of this course.

add cpd points

Once you have entered the number of CPD points and are happy with the other course settings, publish your course to save your changes by clicking Publish.

publish course

Please note: If you are using an integration to track your CPD points your settings and set up process may be different, please contact us at for assistance.

Add CPD points to your collections

You can add CPD points to your courses from the Collection Editor.

To access the Collection Editor for an existing collection, go to the Collections page in your Settings.

access colleciton settings

You will see a list of all existing collections on screen, click the pencil icon on the right hand side of the collection you want to add CPD points to and click Edit.

pencil icon edit

CPD points

Tick the box to turn on the CPD feature for your course, you'll then see an additional line and box appear where you can enter how many points should be awarded upon completion of this course.

add cpd points

Once you have entered the number of CPD points and are happy with the other course settings, publish your course to save your changes by clicking Publish.

publish course

Please note: If you are using an integration to track your CPD points your settings and set up process may be different, please contact us at for assistance.

Access the CPD reporting data

When users are awarded CPD points, you'll be able to see a record of these in the Users Profile.

To access the User CPD Report, view a User report by clicking a User's name on the Users page.

Click user

You'll then be taken to the User Report. Use the dropdown on the right hand side to view the CPD Points. To learn more about the other features of the User Report click here.

view CPD

CPD points will appear on the CPD points report as they are awarded, and the CPD points report can be exported/downloaded at any time by clicking Export XLS in the top right of the CPD points report page.


Manually Add CPD Data and Evidence

Admin can manually add CPD data and evidence to individual user reports. This can be useful if learning has been done outside of the system such, such as face to face sessions.

To add CPD data and evidence, access the CPD reporting data as discussed in the above step and click Add CPD.

Add CPD-1

You'll see the following popup.

CPD point popup

To create a new CPD record, add the following details:

  • Activity - The name of the CPD activity that will be shown in the CPD report.
  • CPD Points - The number of CPD points associated with this record.
  • Completed - The date the CPD activity was completed.
  • Evidence - Add a file to the CPD record. This may be a certificate or other document associated with the CPD activity.

Once you have added the CPD details, click Create CPD Record to save the CPD activity details to the users individual report. You'll also see when the CPD record was created, and who it was created/issued by.

Example manual CPD


Please contact us at if you have any questions about adding CPD points to your site or need any help.