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How do Intuto system updates work?

Whether it is to bring you new features, security updates, or to improve features we already have, we are always updating Intuto.

On average we release updates to Intuto every 2 - 3 weeks, and each time we do, we publish the changes that we've made to the release notes page.

Site Availability

We sometimes need to take the site offline for a minimal amount of time to run the updates. The update is usually complete in under 3 minutes so most users will not notice the site was down at all. All details of any downtime can be found on our site status page.

When we're planning an update, we will put a message on the login screen that looks something like below. We try to give at least 48 hours notice with these messages, but sometimes this is not possible when an urgent fix needs to be released to our users the same day. If the site is going to be offline for any longer than 5 minutes, we will explicitly note this in the login message, but this is not a common occurrence.


What will the users see?

If a user tries to access the site while the site is being taken offline, they will see that the site is offline for an update.


Issues with displaying the site after a release

After an update to Intuto some parts of the system might not load or work due to data stored from a previous visit to the site. Often this can be fixed by clearing the data cache in your browser. If that doesn't fix the issue then you should contact us directly so we can look into the problem for you.
Please reach out to us at support@intuto.com if you have any questions about Intuto updates.