Does every User need an Email Address to use Intuto?

Every User is required to have an email address as this becomes the username they will use to log in to Intuto.

The email address that you put down when registering for a course (or that you put down for another person when creating a User) will become essentially, a username for the account. 

A user will use this to login along with a password which will be emailed to that address once registered.  Enrollment emails, reminders and other important emails will also be sent to this address.

Because of this, an account cannot be created unless the user has an email address.

Also note that the same email address cannot be used multiple times within Intuto for multiple users. They can only be tied to one account only. If this is attempted the following message will be displayed.


brad pitt example

This also applies if the email is already registered into another Intuto site. This may occur if an employee has switched over from another company which also uses Intuto.

In this scenario you can click Register User to invite them to your site through email. Once they accept this will delete them off  their old site and put them into your site. You can then enrol them into your courses from there. 

Invite Users to site


If your staff member does not have an email address then they may need to create a company one or a personal one through Gmail, Outlook or any other email provider.  


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