Support Contact Settings

You can change your Intuto Site's Support Contact settings in Site Settings.

You can update these settings if you want your user queries to come to you, rather than going to the support team at Intuto. Some queries may still go to the Intuto support team depending on how the user has submitted their question, i.e. if they have used the "Contact Us" form on the Intuto website. Please let us know if you would also like these queries to be sent to you.

Once the Support Contact settings have been changed, the signature and email address at the bottom of the emails sent from your Intuto site will display as the new Contact Name and ReplyTo Address. 

All emails sent to users from your Intuto Site will still come from but if a user replies, the reply will be sent to the email address entered in the ReplyTo Address field.

support contact

Contact us at for help or more information.