How do I rename a page or quiz in my course?

When editing a course, you can change the name of the pages and quizzes to suit the material on each page. This will help your users identify the different sections in your course.

To rename a page or quiz,  you need to be in the course editor. To access the editor, go to your Content page and click Edit on the course you want to make changes to.  

edit course

You will then be taken into your course editor.


To change the name of a page or quiz, find the page or quiz in your course editor and click on the page/quiz name at the top.

page name

Type in the new name and then click anywhere else on the page. You will see that the page list on the left has updated to show your new page/quiz name. This will be the page list your users see when going through your course.


Once you have renamed your pages/quizzes, make sure you publish your changes.

To publish the changes click Next in the top right, and then click Publish in the top right.

Click nextclick ublish

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