How do I add images to my Intuto courses?

Images add a visual element to your courses, and can help explain different concepts to your users.

You can upload common image file types such as PNG, GIF, JPEG etc, or search for royalty free stock images from within the course editor.

You can:

Uploading an image to your course

To add an image to your Intuto course, hover over the "+" icon on the desired page in your course editor.

add new

When the options appear, click the Image icon.

image icon

You'll see the following popup.

Upload image popup

Drag and drop your image into the box to upload it or click browse to select your image from your computer files.

Your image will then appear in the popup for you to crop as desired.

crop image

Click Remove Image to choose a new image, or once you're happy with the cropping of your image you can click Use Image to add the image to your course.

image in course

Search for an Image to add to your Course

If you do not yet have an image to add to your course, you can click Search at the top of the Image popup to search through royalty free stock photos.

image searchType in a key word or phrase to view images relating to it. You can use the left and right arrows to move between the pages of images. When you have found an image you want to use, click on it to add it to your course.

Your image will then appear in the popup for you to crop as desired.

crop image

Click Remove Image to choose a new image, or once you're happy with the cropping of your image you can click Use Image to add the image to your course.

image in course

If you can't find an image you want to use within Intuto, there are a number of stock image sites you can use instead. The sites below are free to use although in some instances you may be required to credit the originator of the image

Once you have found an image you want to use, follow the instructions above to upload an image into your course.

Editing an Image 

If you want to edit an image that is already in your course, click the pencil icon on the top right of the image and click Edit.

edit image

You'll then see the Image editor popup where you can adjust your image cropping, or remove your image to choose a new one.Edit image crop
Once you are happy with your edits, click Use Image to update the image in your course.

Image Sizes

The ideal size for an image in your course is at 832 pixels wide. Any smaller than this and your image may be stretched to fit the screen. Images larger than this will be condensed to fit. This will be important to note when including images with smaller details as they may become blurry/distorted.

The height of your image is up to you, however keep in mind that users will need to scroll down to get past longer images, especially when on mobile/smaller screened devices.


For help adding or editing images please contact